
Navigating our Charity Commission Constitution document
Pages 1 -7. What is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation
Page 8 onwards. The Farringdon Village Hall Constitution
Clauses 1 -5: The object of the charity and operation
Clause 6: Benefits and payments to charity trustees and connected persons
Clause 7: Conflicts of interest and conflicts of loyalty (Trustees)
Clause 8: Liability of members to contribute to the assets of the CIO if it is wound up
Clause 9: Membership of the CIO
Clause 10: Members’ decisions
Clause 11: General meetings of members
Clause 12: Charity trustees
Clause 13: Appointment of charity trustees
Clause 14: Information for new charity trustees
Clause 15: Retirement and removal of charity trustees
Clause 16: Reappointment of charity trustees
Clause 17: Taking of decisions by charity trustees
Clause 18: Delegation by charity trustees
Clause 19: Meetings and proceedings of charity trustees
Clause 20: Saving provisions
Clause 21: Execution of documents
Clause 22: Use of electronic communications
Clause 23. Keeping of Registers
Clause 24: Minutes
Clause 25: Accounting records, accounts, annual reports and returns, register maintenance
Clause 26: Rules
Clause 27: Disputes
Clause 28: Amendment of constitution
Clause 29. Voluntary winding up or dissolution
Clause 30: Interpretation
Appendices: proxy voting, postal voting, use of electronic communications